2025 Legislative Fly-In
1/29/2025 - 1/30/2025
The Alaska Chamber's Legislative Fly-In gives you the opportunity to meet with the Legislature on issues and projects affecting Alaska business. Interact with members of the Alaska State Legislature and the governor's administration and present the policy positions adopted by the chamber membership as well as issues that are personally affecting your business. Every Member who attends makes a difference.
January 29-30, 2025
(subject to change, times based on prior Fly-Ins)
This member-only event has pricing as follows:
Early Bird Registration: 11/18 - 1/10 $450
Standard Registration: 1/11 - 1/22 $550
Late Registration: 1/23 - 1/28 $650
800 Glacier Avenue
Juneau, AK 99801 United States
The conference will be held at Centennial Hall with meetings at the Alaska State Capitol.